Water Tower for the Steam Engines at the Fontanelle Train Depot
South Side Squire Fontanelle 1917
The Night the Lights went on in Fontanelle
The Electrical distribution started in 1914, expanded rapidly, bringing a great measure of satisfaction to more and more customers who had heretofore been using the “famous Kerosene Lamp”. Users of electricity were very pleased with the “new” form of energy for lighting their homes and business places. Street lights were soon added, which were regarded as a great improvement to the town. In early 1915, the number of consumers totaled75, and the February 1915 bills amounted to $123.60, according to newspaper accounts. There was 25 cent penalty for late payment of monthly bills. The demand for current greatly exceeded expectations as time went on. (From Adair County History 1976)
In 1913 the city erected a system of water works, which cost them the sum of $20,000. The contract was let to the Alamo Engine and Supply Company of Omaha, Neb. Wells were dug and water tower erected which had a capacity of 50,000 gallons. Water mains were dug and installed. A bucket trencher (pictured) installed the water mains along Highway 92
View showing the Old Observer office on fire on a cold January night in 1913
C.B.&Q. train stuck in the snow in March 1913
Water Tower



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